Saturday, March 24, 2007

The birthday party

Well, the birthday finally came (and went, thankfully) and I am sooo glad its finally over. That party stressed me out more than you could ever know; not only was I doing something for my girly-girl daughter that I don't particularly enjoy or find interesting (make over!); but, I was doing it by myself!! I asked everyone I know to help, and I didn't get much in that regard. I found some girls who I convinced to come and help with the makeup and the hair, and then I got lucky, and one of the mom's brought her sister, who is also a teenager, and it worked out really, really well. The girls had a blast; I ran into a mom yesterday, and she said her girls talked about it all weekend long! I'm so glad, but I'm more glad that its over!! (Have I already said that?!) Anyway, they had makeup and nails and hair and then they got to paint a picture frame and make a bracelet with beads (Which was a disaster unto itself, don't ask!) and of course cake and pizza!! And its finally over!! Here are the pictures for the party ~

After the party, Jon and I went to Shreveport to support a friend in his MMA fight; and that was a blast!! No kids, just adults, actually doing something fun!! And, it was even way more fun and exciting cause we knew the guy. So, if you want to see the fight, I have it recorded (I was unable to load the whole thing, just round 2, because it was too big, so if anyone knows how I can cut the movie in half to load the whole thing, it would be greatly appreciated!!)

Jacob Hart, Round 1, March 24, 2007

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Jacob Hart -Round 2

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Sunday, March 18, 2007

Religious test

Current mood: curious

Your Results:
The top score on the list below represents the faith that Belief-O-Matic, in its less than infinite wisdom, thinks most closely matches your beliefs. However, even a score of 100% does not mean that your views are all shared by this faith, or vice versa.

Belief-O-Matic then lists another 26 faiths in order of how much they have in common with your professed beliefs. The higher a faith appears on this list, the more closely it aligns with your thinking.

1. Reform Judaism (100%)
2. Neo-Pagan (91%)
3. Unitarian Universalism (86%)
4. Jainism (85%)
5. New Thought (82%)
6. Sikhism (81%)
7. Mahayana Buddhism (78%)
8. Hinduism (78%)
9. Orthodox Judaism (77%)
10. Liberal Quakers (76%)
11. Bah?'? Faith (74%)
12. Scientology (74%)
13. New Age (70%)
14. Islam (70%)
15. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (65%)
16. Theravada Buddhism (61%)
17. Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (54%)
18. Secular Humanism (44%)
19. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (42%)
20. Taoism (41%)
21. Orthodox Quaker (40%)
22. Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant (35%)
23. Jehovah's Witness (33%)
24. Nontheist (28%)
25. Eastern Orthodox (27%)
26. Roman Catholic (27%)
27. Seventh Day Adventist (18%)

Friday, March 16, 2007

Happy birthday!

Current mood: nostalgic

Today is my daughter's birthday. She is 7 years old today!! OMG, if that doesn't make you feel old, nothing will. I still feel like I'm young, I don't think about my age that much, I don't think about other people's ages that much, but DAMN if having a 7 year old doesn't make you feel old!! Sweet girl. I'll be working on her cake this weekend; party is next weekend since this week was spring break. I'll post the pics afterwards!!

Thursday, March 8, 2007

My frustrations

Current mood: frustrated

I hate to gripe, and I feel like this negative entity that is dragging everything down with her, but I wanted to share my feelings, espl for those of you who are asking about me. I am still very frustrated at the moment; I am exactly where I was at Christmas. I haven't changed in weight, inches, or fat loss. I have done everything that I can possibly think of to make this work. I ate really good; no pizza, candy, sugar, or sweets of any kind for a month; then I went to see Danny. He wanted me to cut out my starchy carbs after 2, and add more protein, so I did that. Then it was add more water, so I did that. Then it was cut out the caffeine, which I did (except for my half a cup of coffee in the morning, which kinda helps me go to the bathroom, so I'll drink an extra glass of water to make up for it). Now, here I am, 2 full months into the new year, and haven't budged a single quarter of an inch. So, I'm frustrated, and I feel like giving up. I feel like, this isn't working, its not worth it, I should be DONE!! I am 2 weeks away from my daughter's birthday party; that was my goal date!! I should be done, but I'm not. It was supposed to be easy, remember! Simple but not easy. I knew what to do, and I did it, and it didn't work. Now what? I went on a binge this past week; over the weekend, I had more candy than I care to remember, ate pizza, had cake, had fried foods, and guess what?! Nothing happened! It didn't all come rushing back; as a matter of fact, I lost 3 lbs as of Tuesday morning!! Of course, since I started working out again on Tuesday night, its all back again. I did yoga tuesday, met up with Danny on wednesday, and picked up on my running this morning, and those 3 lbs that magically disappear when I stop working out crept back on. I try to talk to Danny about this, but he thinks I'm not giving it enough time. I've been at this since SEPTEMBER, I should be DONE!! I should be at my goal right now, or very nearly there, and all I have to show for this effort is 10 lbs, lost BEFORE christmas, before I started really cracking down on myself, and recording every little morsel, and really cutting out the sugar and the caffeine, and the pizza, and the bad carbs. I was afraid to cut all that stuff out before, because I knew it would work, but then it would come right back on when I tried to slowly readd it, even for just once or twice a month. But, I did it, because I thought it was worth it, if I could just lose this weight, it would be worth not having sugar in my tea, and it would be worth not eating french fries, and it would be worth not eating pizza again! But it didn't work, so now where do I go from here? Everything in my life feels like its suffering right now because I have stopped to take the time to go to the gym. My work is suffering; therefore my paycheck is suffering. My husband is talking about working overtime, and getting a second job, but it should be ME who has to shoulder the load, because its my fault that we are struggling right now!! Because I take 2 hours every day to workout. and then come home, and take a shower, and its nearly 11 by the time I sit down to work!! And sometimes, I am soo tired, I can't even accomplish that! So, he's talking of getting a second job, so I feel like somethings gotta give, and guess what that something is going to be?! Its gotta be the gym, its the only "luxury" I have going right now, besides sleep, that can be cut to make more time for me to work extra. and I hate to do it, but you know, it shouldn't take 2 hours a day to get where you want. AND, it probably wouldn't be so damn disheartening if it actually worked, but its not!! Craig B says to take 45 minutes a day, 3 days a week to do your strength training and intervals, and then 30 minutes a day on the other days for aerobics. I WISH! but, I want this. I want to be healthy, and lean, and fat free, and I want to look good in shorts, and I want to be able to wear a bathing suit this summer, and I don't want a triple bypass at 39 like my dad, and I don't want to die at 46 of a brain aneurysm like my mom. So I keep trudging along, trying new things, changing things up, hoping that eventually, I will come up with the right combination for me that will unlock the lock that has so tightly kept the fat on my body. I'm drowning, guys, and I don't see a life boat in sight.

Monday, March 5, 2007


At least I don't have the flu, or that nasty stomach bug Kathryn had that everyone in the Tyler and Whitehouse area have been passing around, but geeze!! You know when you get that yucky chest cough, it lasts FOREVER!! I've been hacking up a lung for about a week, and I swear, its enough to drive a person INSANE!! Enough, already! Cough it up and get on with it! Yuck. I hate it.