Monday, April 30, 2007

Kathryn's Dance Recital

Kathryn's Dance recital
For those of you who are interested in watching it...She's in the front, on the right side of the frame, I know its hard to see her if you don't know its her; for some reason, my camera won't let me zoom while I'm filming, I had to be where I wanted to be before turning it on, and I didn't want to turn it off to zoom in further...

Kathryn's Dance recital

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April 30, 2007

Well, I am just no good at keeping a daily log of my life, I'm too busy, or there's nothing going on, or something. Anyway, I've made it through another week. FIrst week, I lost 10 lbs; this whole week, NOTHING! I didn't lose anything. I stayed on track, the only thing I did differently was I went from KE to Kimkins; I didn't know if that was it, or if my body was just adjusting from the initial loss. Well, as of yesterday, I'm down a few more, so I have decided NOT TO WORRY!! If I take care of the diet, the diet will take care of me, and I can have no complaints if I average to lose 1 lb a day, even if its not a steady loss.

I'm very proud of myself for this weekend! I had to make a cake, and I was soooo worried I would end up licking a spoon of batter or some icing off my fingers; I was able to resist temptation! Yay me! Also, my husband bought one of those personal pizzas from schlotzski's; chicken barbecue with jalapenos; OHHH, I was so tempted there too, but just the IDEA that one bite will slow me down for a whole week is enough to keep me out of the ditch. I've had all that stuff before; yeah, I know what it tastes like, and I know its good, but I have commited myself to loosing this weight with no cheats, and I know the food will be there when I'm done, should I chose it then! I'm hoping for more losses this week; I still need to work on potty problems, I'm sure that had something to do with my slowness of last week; I had MOM, and it made me want to puke, so I did the dieter's tea, which I've done before, but 1 day isn't enough for me, and I didn't want to do 2 days, cause it makes my stomach cramp up, badly, like a regular laxative does. Anyway, still working on that, but I'm happy with my progress so far.

April 30, 2007

Wow, week 5 already?! Anyone else feels like this is somehow wrong?! *sigh*. I'm really proud of myself for this weekend; I had a cake to make, and I didn't eat any of the scraps or the icing while making it, and when I went to the party, I didn't eat any there, either! Its always been so hard for me to keep from "tasting" all my stuff to "make sure it tastes right", lol.

Sunday, April 29, 2007

My neice's birthday

Here is a picture of the cake I decorated for this weekend; my niece's 1st birthday.

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Here is a picture of the cake with the tiny smash cake.

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And here is a picture of her, covered in the smash cake!!

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Friday, April 27, 2007

April 27, 2007

So, I changed my goal weight today. I ran across a formula that seems to be pretty on par; 100 lbs for 5 feet, then 5 lbs for every inch over; so me at about 5 9, so I changed it to 145 from 150. I'll be happy to get to 150, no doubt, and of course, this will definitely not be set in stone, but I want to look my best, so I thought I would shoot for that.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

My eyes...a quiz

You scored as Eyes full of Pain. People tend to overlook you, which makes you feel less worthy of their attentions. You sometimes wish you could just disapear from the world around you. You have been hurt very badly in the past and you just wish that someone would understand you, and what their cruelty is doing to you.


Eyes full of Pain






Diamond Eyes


What do your eyes reveal about you?(PICS!)
created with

April 26, 2007

Well, I had a good run of loss there last week, but I seem to have stalled this week. Still no exercise; I'm going through my exhausted phase again. I wish I had a copy of my previous posts; surely there is a pattern somewhere of when I get hit hard with this stuff?

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

April 25, 2007

I feel so terrible; I check the site everyday, but I usually don't have anything going on that is worth reporting, hence my lack of check-ins lately. LIfe is getting in the way too much; I am having so many issues with work right now, and baseball has started up, etc, etc, blah, blah, excuses, excuses. I am totally excited about the whole new side of my wardrobe that has opened up! I can wear nearly everything in there now, and of course, losing a bit more I would still be comfortable in all of them; but I just realized, once I hit my goal, I'm going to need mostly all new clothes! I haven't been my goal weight since... I dunno, before we were married! OMG!

Monday, April 23, 2007

April 23, 2007

Hey, I'm so bad at making daily posts; stuff will happen, and then days will go by when nothing happens, and it hardly seems worth mentioning! But, I thought I would start this, just to have a place to put my random thoughts in order, maybe help me some.

I am really proud of myself this week! Today marks the beginning of my second week on Kimkins (I did KE for the entire first week), and on Saturday, me and my family went to Six Flags, and I was soooo tempted by everything there; ice cream, and pizza, and it all smelled so good, and I didn't cheat at all!! I kept reminding myself of the domino effect, and how I had struggled all week to stay on the right path, and how I was already 6 days in, and if I cheated, I would have to start all over! That thought ALONE kept me from taking a bite of my daughter's ice cream, or stopping to buy something else I would regret later! Its so easy to give in and not think of the consequence of something that you do, but when I did stop to think about it, and you have to think "I have to start over! WHen I Cheat, I'm pretty much hitting reset, and starting all over" You realize, its sooo not worth it. You know what that ice cream tastes like; its not like its going to change while you are getting to where you need to be. And soon, in 2 or 3 months, when I am to where I want to be, then an occasional indulgence will be allowed, but not now. I've had too many indulgences in the past, and now I am paying the penance for them.

Friday, April 20, 2007

April 20, 2007

my life is so busy at this point, I still haven't had time to jump into exercising, but I do have a few tapes, I'm going to start up next week, no worries. (and we won't have 3 baseball games next week, either My husband and I have started walking around the block with our dog and our kids on their bike; the kids look forward to it, and keep us at it, if we were to quit, cause they bug us to go!

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

April 18, 2007

Still struggling along with my strictness at this point; hoping it will get better by the end of the week, when I get all the extra bloat and carbiness out of my system. I'm already down 3 lbs, which pretty much puts me back at the beginning, so YAY!!

Monday, April 16, 2007

April 16, 2007

OK, so I've decided to crack down on myself, I've been letting things slide and go on for too much and too long, and I was turning a blind eye to the fact that I was slipping into old habits. I spent the weekend preparing, and getting myself ready, and Its only 1230 and I can't believe how much I'm anxious to snack, and I'm not hungry!! That chocolate looks good, and those crackers look good, too! Its terrible that I have allowed this to get so far, but even worse that I didn't see it. I need your support and prayers, guys, I feel like this is going to be a rough week for me. But I'm here, plowing through, trying to make it out.

Friday, April 13, 2007

Kimkins introduction

Hi! My name is Amanda, I'm 27, and I have 2 kids. I accidentally stumbled across Kimkins today, when a girl on my cake decorating forum showed off her pictures of her losing 20+ lbs in a month. Well, obviously she was grilled about how she was so successful, and she pointed us in the direction of this site. I've done all kinds of research on it today; looking at the blog, and at what others have to say, and I have to say, I'm intrigued. I have been on a weight loss rampage since September, and I have only lost 16 lbs (which the last 3-4 keep yo-yoing up and down), and so needless to say, I'm frustrated. The first 12 weeks, I was eating about 1200-1400 calories a day, and trying to work out, but I'm much too busy for that. Well, when I only lost 10 lbs, I decided to buckle down. I got into a program that does the whole "eat lots and lots, and exercise lots and lots", and I wasn't happy. I was miserable forcing that much food down my throat!! After 2 months of that, and working out 6 days a week, 1.5 hours a day, I gave up. I threw in the towel, and sat on the couch for the next 2 weeks; and lost 5 lbs! I was totally frustrated! How do you lose weight when you GIVE UP?! I couldn't understand, but the high calorie food thing didn't do it for me. SOOO, I'm willing to give Kim a try for the next 12 weeks. Obviously, I can't keep doing what I was; it wasn't working.

So, I joined up today, and I have been looking around, I love most of the recipes posted, and I'm totally excited to get started. I found on the blog site them talking about the Boot Camp, but I can't seem to find it here on the website; does anyone have any idea where I can find more information on that? It would be greatly appreciated. Also, I want to start on Monday, so I have the weekend to plan out my meals, clean out my cupboards and cabinets, and prepare myself mentally for this journey. Are there any meal ideas for the first 5 days (no veggies)? Any other hints and tips would be greatly appreciated!!

Sorry this turned out to be so long winded!

April 13, 2007

I stumbled across this by accident; this woman told me about on one of my cake decorating forums today, and I have been looking into this. I wanted to share this one article this lady had on her message board... I don't know whether to be interested or appalled.

Monday, April 9, 2007

My weekend...

Current mood: contemplative

How was everyone's weekend? I heard we had snow. Can you f#($_*ing believe it?!?! The first time we have snow in, what, 5 years, and we weren't even here to see it!?! My kids still don't know what snow is. ;). We spent our weekend in Austin! (WOHOO)! And I don't even have any pictures to show for it!! We didn't really do anything worth taking pictures of; there was alot of going out to eat. There was the Chidren's Museum, and Dave and Buster's, and the new outlet mall!! We didn't even get to see the bats. Austin didn't get snow, but it was still fucking cold, man. It sleeted all day Saturday. But we had a good time, and Jon and I actually got to have Saturday night ALONE, out to eat, then a movie, then back to the hotel room, NO KIDS!! DOUBLE WOHOO!! So, there is my weekend, and the only *proof* I have of it are the stockpile of receipts from the outlet mall (hee hee).

Hopefully, we will be able to go to San Antonio in about a month or two, and we will stop by Austin again for about a day, to visit our friends again, and MAYBE that time, we will have done something worthy of pictures. ;).

My pants

Current mood: ecstatic

Ok, some of you may know my seemingly never ending battle to lose weight. I did pretty good a few years ago, and then got put on quite a lot of oral steroids and steroid injections when I started having problems with my hands, and of course, gained quite a bit of weight with that. I have now finally gotten down to about the weight I was before all that (I still have 5 more lbs to go before I am exactly there), but I JUST GAINED ABOUT 6 PAIRS OF PANTS!! I am so freaking happy to be able to FIT into the majority of my closet again!

Ok, thanks for letting me share!! ;)

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Week 1

Week 1

This week has not started out with the best effort on my part. Jon's busy season has started, and he is now working 12 hour shifts; that means I gotta fend for me and the kids. So guess how easy it is to just make the easy kid food instead of making the good stuff and having them eat it with me?! We are leaving this weekend; we are leaving friday and will be gone until sunday afternoon, so don't thing I've left. I'm pretty sure I won't have internet acess while I'm gone, not that I"m going to be worried about it. We are going to Austin!!

SO, I have these new tapes, by Jillian Michaels; I"m looking forward to her kicking my butt. Does anyone have an opinion on the mini trampolines, and what kind of workout you can get on them? I saw an infomercial, and of course wanted to "check it out", but so far everything I've found, from Spark People on up, say its a good 600-calorie an hour workout.

Sunday, April 1, 2007

My Embellishment...

Ok, I finally did, after how long ago did I talk about it?! I went down to the tatoo place, and embellished on my existing tatoo.

Here's the original..
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And here is what it looks like now...
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Of course, Its still not completely done, I want to add something along the sides of it, and I hate to say tribal, just cause I don't want thick, bold, heavy, dark lines, but I want SOMETHING there. SO, any ideas for that would be great!