Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Week 1

Week 1

This week has not started out with the best effort on my part. Jon's busy season has started, and he is now working 12 hour shifts; that means I gotta fend for me and the kids. So guess how easy it is to just make the easy kid food instead of making the good stuff and having them eat it with me?! We are leaving this weekend; we are leaving friday and will be gone until sunday afternoon, so don't thing I've left. I'm pretty sure I won't have internet acess while I'm gone, not that I"m going to be worried about it. We are going to Austin!!

SO, I have these new tapes, by Jillian Michaels; I"m looking forward to her kicking my butt. Does anyone have an opinion on the mini trampolines, and what kind of workout you can get on them? I saw an infomercial, and of course wanted to "check it out", but so far everything I've found, from Spark People on up, say its a good 600-calorie an hour workout.

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