Monday, April 30, 2007

April 30, 2007

Well, I am just no good at keeping a daily log of my life, I'm too busy, or there's nothing going on, or something. Anyway, I've made it through another week. FIrst week, I lost 10 lbs; this whole week, NOTHING! I didn't lose anything. I stayed on track, the only thing I did differently was I went from KE to Kimkins; I didn't know if that was it, or if my body was just adjusting from the initial loss. Well, as of yesterday, I'm down a few more, so I have decided NOT TO WORRY!! If I take care of the diet, the diet will take care of me, and I can have no complaints if I average to lose 1 lb a day, even if its not a steady loss.

I'm very proud of myself for this weekend! I had to make a cake, and I was soooo worried I would end up licking a spoon of batter or some icing off my fingers; I was able to resist temptation! Yay me! Also, my husband bought one of those personal pizzas from schlotzski's; chicken barbecue with jalapenos; OHHH, I was so tempted there too, but just the IDEA that one bite will slow me down for a whole week is enough to keep me out of the ditch. I've had all that stuff before; yeah, I know what it tastes like, and I know its good, but I have commited myself to loosing this weight with no cheats, and I know the food will be there when I'm done, should I chose it then! I'm hoping for more losses this week; I still need to work on potty problems, I'm sure that had something to do with my slowness of last week; I had MOM, and it made me want to puke, so I did the dieter's tea, which I've done before, but 1 day isn't enough for me, and I didn't want to do 2 days, cause it makes my stomach cramp up, badly, like a regular laxative does. Anyway, still working on that, but I'm happy with my progress so far.

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