Tuesday, August 28, 2007

First day of school!!!

Well, the kiddos started school yesterday, I can't hardly believe it. I don't know which is harder to believe; that my daughter, my first-born, is a SECOND grader, or that my son, my baby, is a FIRST grader!! Its insane to think about, you know, cause they are getting into that territory where you actually have memories of your own childhood from.... so, I dunno. LOL.

Here are some pics....

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Also, lookie at what came into the clinic yesterday!! I usually have pretty interesting days up there, there's always one thing or two that's worth mentioning; here's yesterdays!

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He is a tiny baby squirrel that someone rescued from their cat, and his name is Frodo Baggins because of his big feet! And yes, we know how stupid it is to name him, he is so tiny, but, it was just so perfect a name!!

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