Saturday, August 4, 2007

IT'S DONE!! Sort of...

WE"VE MOVED!!! Oh, I'm freaking exhausted!! I must be getting too old for this shit! So, I started a new job this week, oh, was that ever the smartest thing on the face of the planet to do right before you move. My feet were so swollen by the end of the week, I can't put on my shoes, and you can't see my ankle bones. THEY HURT!!! So, I'm pretty much useless. We've got all the big stuff out, because Jon had some guys from work come and help, and I owe them a big ol steak dinner for that, too. We still have a few boxes of little things, and I need to clean it out before turning it over, but damn, I'm useless. We went over there about an hour ago, I looked around and said, nope, not today, lol. Maybe if I get some sleep, but I'm seriously considering just having my legs cut off at the knees, I'm sure it would be less painful at this point.

I was without internet service for 3 days, since Wednesday, so if you sent me a message and I haven't responded back, bear with me, I have 250 emails to get through!!!

I will also have a new email address, and phone number, and address!! YAYAYAYAYAYAY!! But I'm not sure about 2 out of the 3 yet, so... if you want any of that stuff, just ask!! and it won't be changing, like, EVER!! lol. ;)

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