Monday, December 3, 2007


Well, its monday. Looking forward to getting started, I'm already nervous. So very nervous that I'm going to fall off when I should stay on. I'm having my coffee now, will have turkey sausage and eggs for breakfast; salmon for lunch, and chicken chili for dinner. I have to take daughter to dance today, and also was planning on going to the plasma center to donate; we will see how that goes. I had also planned on doing weights today; only problem with that is the room the weights are in is not insulated, and we have the vents closed to it, because its a waste of energy; in the summer, we have a window AC unit, but nothing for the winter, yet. Its going to be cold in there, and I'm such a baby in the cold weather. I will really have to force myself to do it, or find a suitable replacement exercise that I can do in the living room, where its warm wink.gif

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