Friday, May 4, 2007

May 4, 2007

I"m still a little frustrated this week; last week was my second week, and I had no loss all week; then monday morning of this week I woke up 3 lbs lighter. Now, this week, since monday, I have had no losses again! Its very disheartening, and I'm trying very hard to stay on track; I almost cheated yesterday, but I didn't. I know it was my TOM who was trying to convince me to have that ice cream. So, last week I think my problem was potty, and I did the tea to try to help me some, but I feel like a wierdo, and I don't want to be gross, but it doesn't seem to move it all out for me. I have diarrhea from it, but it doesn't seem like its enough, if that makes sense. And then, this week, potty on top of TOM. *blech*. I'll be happy to have him over and gone. I guess I need to try fiber instead of laxative; but that hasn't worked for me in the past, either. *sigh* Usually coffee helps me, or spicy stuff, but none of that is working so far.

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