Thursday, June 14, 2007

One of the most stressful times of your life

Current mood: stressed

Is buying a house. They say that the 4 most stressful are birth, death, graduation, and marriage. HELLO!! Can we stick in buying a house?!! I don't think I was this stressed when I graduated!! (Both times!!!) OMG, this is the biggest pain in my ass, and can't nobody tell me what to expect; you basically have to be in the middle of it before your hit with all the shit. Well, we've wished and washed back and forth, picked a house, then decided to look around some more, put an offer on another one, which wasn't accepted, so we're back to the original. NOW, if only we can get all this hassle done in 6 weeks!! And we're screwed if it falls through! Send positive vibes my way that this will all work out, and everything will be happily ever after !! (yeah, as cynical as I am, I believe in happy endings...) ;)

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