Tuesday, June 26, 2007

June 26

Day 1 down and under my belt. I did good, and I feel good that I did good. I almost gave in first thing in the morning; my kids had donuts, and they looked so good, but I reminded myself why I wanted this; and what I wanted it for was bigger and better than any donut, chocolate bar, or sugary sweet I could have right now. I didn't exercise, but, and I know it sounds like I"m making excuses, but I want to wait until next week, once I get myself over the 7-day hump that is the difficulty of getting into ketosis and staying there. Day 3 is always the hardest for me; I'm focusing on KE at the moment, because that is the fastest for me, and when I get more protein powder, I will be adding that in for a meal.

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