Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Day 1...

I'm sort of at a loss for what to do. Today is day 1 of my transformation contest; I was going to come home, immediately change clothes, and just get into it, no thinking about it, just do it. Well, I was 40 minutes late coming home, so the kids were here when I got here; I hate working out with people around. Also, there was an email and 2 voice mail messages from my second job, asking me to get on as soon as possible, because they are behind in work, and want me to do extra.

*sigh* This seems to always happen to me; its almost like the universe is just stacked against me working out, period. Honestly, the only way I see to get anything done, considering I'm busy 3 nights out of the week, is to get up early; I already get up at 530.

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